Frequently Asked Questions


What exactly is Cardeleine?

Cardeleine is an eco-friendly digital business card platform that provides companies with an intuitive and affordable way to create and manage their digital business cards and contacts.

Can I create completely paperless business cards with Cardeleine?

Yes. Cardeleine is a completely digital solution that replaces paper business cards.

Can I create completely paperless business cards with Cardeleine?

Yes. Cardeleine is a completely digital solution that replaces paper business cards.

Can every company use Cardeleine?

Absolutely. From international corporations to freelancers and consultants who oversee their own business. Anyone can use the Cardeleine corporate platform to create and manage their own business cards.

Does Cardeleine integrate with my CRM?

Yes. Common tools such as Salesforce or SAP integrate seamlessly. Are you interested in individual integration into existing company processes? Please let us know.

Can digital business cards be used in online meetings and web conferences?

Yes. Cardeleine makes it easy to swap contact details online or off by sharing a link or by scanning a QR code.

Can I send GDPR compliant business cards with Cardeleine?

Cardeleine is GDPR compliant. All data is stored on servers located in Germany. Add your privacy policy to your own digital business card and enjoy sending a GDPR-compliant business card for the first time.

Pricing and Subscription

How much does Cardeleine cost?

Cardeleine offers various paid plan.

Cardeleine Standard
First 30 days for free - try it before you buy it.
Annually EUR 19.90 per card
Monthly EUR 1.99 per card

Cardeleine Premium
First 30 days for free - try it before you buy it.
Annually EUR 39.90 per card
Monthly EUR 3.99 per card

Cardeleine Enterprise
Please contact us or request a demo to learn more about our Enterprise plan.

How can I cancel my subscription?

You can cancel your subscription at any time via your administration settings. Just click “Cancel Subscription” in the left menu.

Do new contacts and partners need Cardeleine to be able to accept and save my card?

No. Even without being a Cardeleine member, your contacts can still view and save your information.

Are there any costs for my business partner?

Nope. There are no costs for new contacts accepting and saving your digital business card.

What happens when I cancel?

Upon signing up for Cardeleine, i.e. when receiving your first digital business card, you automatically have an account with all features - free for 30 days.
If you cancel your subscription within your trial period, you will be downgraded, and your subscription will become inactive.
You will be able to receive, save, and manage your contacts for some time, but you are not able to display your cards in your corporate identity.

Can I create several thousand business cards with Cardeleine and manage them worldwide?

Yes. Cardeleine is enterprise-friendly and lets you design, assign and manage an infinite amount of employee cards and accounts.

Who can create a company account on Cardeleine?

Basically everyone. However, Cardeleine works better when a single Admin is designated—someone like an HR partner or an office manager who can oversee and keep track of the accounts for every employee at the company.


How can I set up Cardeleine for my company?

1. Register - create a company profile.

If you need more than the Premium plan has to offer, please contact us.

Can I import existing employee data?

All relevant employee data can be uploaded to Cardeleine directly from an Excel or CSV file.

Where can I register my company?

Register your company at and verify your account.

Can I also use Cardeleine offline?

You can also show the QR code of your digital business card offline. However, a data connection is required to update the contacts and their details. All QR codes that you scan offline are saved and then displayed in your contacts as soon as your data network is active. This means that internet reception is not necessary when meeting your business partners.


How can I use Cardeleine as an employee?

You will receive a verified digital business card from your company via email. Add Cardeleine to your home screen by clicking or tapping the embedded link and voila - you’re ready to send, swap, share and save contacts.

Do I need an app?

Cardeleine is a web app - optimized for mobile devices, it acts like an app on smartphones and tablets. You can install the Cardeleine web app as regular app from the web on any device. You do not need to visit any app store, just “Add to Homescreen” and you’re done.

How can I save my contacts?

Scanned digital business cards are automatically saved in your Cardeleine scans.

Which Internet Browsers works best with Cardeleine?

Wonder which Browser to use when working with Cardeleine? Cardeleine works best with the two most common browsers: Chrome and Safari. If, however you choose to use another browser here is a list which browser which can be used: Edge, Ecosia, DuckDuckGo, Opera, Brave, Vivaldi, Netscape Navigator, SlimBrowser, and AvantBrowser. If you have any more questions regarding which browser works best with your computer, make sure to contact your “Support Contact”.

What makes Cardeleine different towards others?

What makes Cardeleine unique and different from other companies? Well not only does it offer a digital business platform but is completely CRM integrated, 100% waste free, and can be 24/7 accessible. Cardeleine enables a solution to become automatically an eco-friendly solution to communicate in a business environment.

How do I change my plan, reassign billing payments or change my payment method?

Changing or update your plans will be no problem and can be changed within seconds. After updating your plans make sure to click on “Payment Methods” to change the payment method or by clicking “Billing” to make all necessary changes.

How can I submit feedback on Cardeleine?

Are you happy with Cardeleine or have any feedback? We would be glad to hear what you have to say and what we can do to remain the best online platform for digital business cards. Click on the upper right figure and then click on “Send Feedback”. In the following text field, you will be able to write whatever you wish.

How does the Business Card Scanner work?

Curious of how you can scan and save a paper business card within seconds? Well with Cardeleine you can digitalize your business partners’ card without a physical interaction. Open your Cardeleine account and click on “Scanner” to take a snapshot of your new contact. With the fully integrated scanner function Cardeleine digitalizes all valuable information and saves the following information in your “Cardeleine Business Contact Wallet”.

Where are scanned digital business cards stored? And how can I save them on my mobile?

After scanning a business card, the information is safely stored in your Cardeleine Business Wallet. You will have a 24/7 access to all your Business Contacts. When working with Cardeleine on your mobile phone, you can see in the palm of your hands all the possible functions. After scanning a business card, you have the option to “save to contacts” or “save to phone”.

Can I also scan other vCards, printed on paper business cards?

With Cardeleine you can scan all Cardeleine QR Codes and all possible vCards that are printed on paper business cards. Simply by using the scanner app, take a snapshot and your contact information will be digitalized within seconds. All valuable information will be stored automatically in your “Cardeleine Business Contact Wallet”. All in one place.

Can’t find your answer? We’re here. Just send us a message by clicking the button or email us at We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.